Alex Fraser Bridge Sunset

For the next while most of my photos will be night time as that’s the only time I really have to get some practice. For this session I just headed down to a nice little spot that give a nice view of the Alex Fraser Bridge and the Fraser River shoreline. This location is pretty cool when the tide is out as there are some nice remnants of old water front structures. One almost looks like a sunken wooden boat with the ribs of the boat showing.

The photo of the city skyline is of Burnaby BC about 10KM away, This was shot from a lookout on River Road in Delta BC.

Equipment Details

  • Olympus EM1 MK2
  • Zuiko 43 50-200MM ( skyline photo)
  • Panasonic 8-28mm (bridge photos)
  • Neewer carbon fiber tripod.
  • Darktable image editor.

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